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mika 《i see you》的中英文对照歌词

2024-07-07 11:01:27 编辑:zane 浏览量:552

mika 《i see you》的中英文对照歌词


mika 《i see you》的中英文对照歌词

mika - i see you我看清了你i'm sitting across from you我坐在你正对面and dreaming of the things i do心里有无数疑怨i don't speak, you don't know me at all我无言,你更不懂我心中的语言for fear of what you might do害怕你会对作出伤我的任何表现i say nothing but stare at you我什么都不说,只是,注视着你的眼and i'm dreaming我疑虑i'm trippin' over you于是我先打开了僵局truth be told,my problems solved终于,真相解开了我所有的疑团you mean the world to be but you'll你说我们永远不知世事所变never knowyou could be cruel to me你也会对我残忍漠然while we're risking the way that i see我们都在冒险,这时,我才看清了你的脸youthat i see you (3x)我看清了 你的脸that i see看清了 你的脸conversations,not me at all谈话,只有你 没有我i'm hesitating,only to fall疑惑,只让我似从深谷跌落and i'm waiting, i'm hating everyone我僵在那里,每个人,我都有敌意could it be you fell for me?难道这就是你对我的爱意?and any possible similarity还有那些虚情假意if it's all, how would i know?如果这就是我们的结局,我该怎样去解释you never knew me at all but i see you你永远不懂我有多爱你 但是 我看清我看清了你but i see you (4x)但是 我看清了你

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