

2024-06-24 02:58:46 编辑:zane 浏览量:513




具体的感谢父母的事例的东西最好改一些,更个人一些:先这些吧,不知道这个演讲具体是要干什么用的?如果有需要再说Well, I would like to say a few words if I may. We are all here today, friends and family, to give thanks. This yearly tradition is one of my favorites because it brings us all together, makes us stop our daily lives to spend the (afternoon) together over some good food, some good wine and lots of good company! 【呃,我想说几句话。朋友们,家人们,今天我们欢聚在这里,来感恩。这个每年的传统式我最喜欢的节日之一,以为它把我们团结在一起,让我们放下手头的工作,然后一起花这个(下午)享受美食,美酒和好的陪伴】We are all so busy with our daily lives, our friends and loved ones, that there are not that many occasions that we get, to get together as a family, but this is one of them and it's my favorite one!【我们每天都忙于生活,我们的朋友,和我们的喜爱的人,以至于我们没有许多场合作为家庭团聚在一起,但是这是这些场合中的一个,也是我最喜欢的】Its one of those holidays we love to prepare as a team and chip in with our different recipes and add-ins that we each want to include to make the meal that extra little bit more special!So today, with us all gathered here, I hope that we can make it through the day without any major arguments...Thanksgiving seems to bring out the best in us, whether it is because we have all come together and aren't used to each other's intense company or that we are all just simply hungry! I like to think that the reason for misunderstandings on Thanksgiving is just because we are all so hungry! ...Right?!So on that note,...as we are all very hungry, with all those great smells coming out of the kitchen and great dishes already laid out before us in this wonderful spread on the table, we need to shift our focus to enjoy the meaning of this holiday! So before we dig in, dear family of mine, thank you for this day, thank you for each other, thank you for making this day what it is and thank you for all of you just being you!Happy Thanksgiving!

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