

2024-09-05 18:36:49 编辑:zane 浏览量:551




我用的是R4内核,里面是MOONSHELL 1.71版,不过应该方法都一样吧  moonshel文件目录下有一个叫moonshel.ini的配置文本文件,打开,其中有一段:[BacklightTimeout]  ; Specified number. (unit of sec)  ; Anything turns off the backlight when there is no key input.  ; WhenStandby=FileClosed WhenPicture=BMP/Jpeg etc. WhenText=Text WhenSound=NSF/MP3 etc.  WhenStandby=10 ----------------无任务时  WhenPicture=15 ----------------浏览图片时  WhenText=30 -------------------阅读谈源圆电子书时  WhenSound=10 ------------------播放音乐时  PS:这是设置各种状态下关闭背光所需的时间(单位是秒),你可以修改成WhenText=3600,也就是一个小时  以下是其他的功能:  含塌[System]  ; 1.1 StartPath = [//Path/to/folder] (Default = //AUTO)  ; Defines folder to be displayed in FileBrowser after boot.  ; Can be something like '//MPCF' (to start browsing directly from CF), 裂判 ; or '//GBFS' (to start browsing directly from flashcart's GBFS).  StartPath=//AUTO  这里指的是启动端口设置,这里是设置的自动寻找,其中,MPCF是电影卡和SC卡使用的,EXFS是普通烧录卡使用的。  ; 1.2 FileSelectSubScreen = [0|1] (Default = 1)  ; Defines which screen is used to display FileBrowser.  ; 0 = touchscreen (lower screen)  ; 1 = normal screen (upper screen)  FileSelectSubScreen=1  设置文件选择窗口, Top screen是上屏, Touch screen是下屏  ; 1.3 ClosedSholderButton = [0|1|2|3] (Default = 0)  ; Defines L and R buttons behaviour.  ; 0 = when shell is closed, L & R are disabled  ; 1 = when shell is closed, L & R are functioning normally  ; 2 = L & R buttons are always disabled  ; 3 = L & R buttons are always enabled  ClosedSholderButton=1  设置当NDS待机时,L键和R键能否使用。  ; 1.4 MusicNext = [0|1|2|3|4|5|6] (Default = 2)  ; Defines audio file playback mode.  ; 0 = Play the selected and stop  ; 1 = Play the selected and continue to repeat it endlessly  ; 2 = Play the selected and continue to play files endlessly  ; 3 = Play the selected and continue thru bottom of the list and shut down DS  ; 4 = Play the selected and continue to play files randomly and endlessly  ; 5 = Play the selected and continue to play randomly all the files and shut down DS  ; 6 = Play the selected and shut down DS  MusicNext=2  设置播放当前音乐后下一步的动作。  0:播放完停止  1:重复单曲  2:顺序循环  3:顺序播放完最后一曲后自动关机  4:无限随机播放  5:随机播放结束自动关机  6:播放完关机  ; 1.5 SoundVolume = [0 - 64] (Default = 16)  ; Defines sound volume. Set 100% is the maximum real volume.  ; Using over 100% values it uses special techniques to boost the sound over the  ; maximum level. Loudest possible boosted sound volume is 400%.  ; 0 = Mute  ; 1 = 6%  ; 16 = 100%  ; 64 = 400%  SoundVolume=16  音量设置  ; 1.6 FullScreenOverlaySubScreen = [0|1] (Default = 1)  ; Defines which screen is used to display video in fullscreen mode  ; 0 = Touchscreen (lower screen)  ; 1 = Normal screen (upper screen)  FullScreenOverlaySubScreen=1  设置使用那个屏幕全屏播放视频,0是下屏,1是上屏。  ; 1.7 FileMaxCount = [N] (Default = 256)  ; The maximum file count that filesystem allows.  ; Don't change this value if you are not absolutely sure of what you are doing!  FileMaxCount=256  设置文件系统中最大的文件数目,此设置最好别修改。  ; 1.8 NDSLiteDefaultBrightness = [0|1|2|3|4] (Default = 4)  ; 0 = Darkest  ; 1 = Dark  ; 2 = Bright  ; 3 = Brightest  ; 4 = Automatic detection  NDSLiteDefaultBrightness=4  调节NDSL的背光亮度的,0为最暗,3为最亮。  ; 1.9 WhenPanelClose = [0|1] (Default = 0)  ; Action to do when panel is closed.  ; 0 = Screens backlight off  ; 1 = DS power off  WhenPanelClose=0  设置面板关闭时的动作。0为关闭背光灯,1为关机。  [KeyRepeat]  ; 3.1 DelayCount = [1|30|60] (Default = 15)  ; 3.2 RateCount = [1|30|60] (Default = 1)  ; You can set the time after which the action will be repeated.  ; 1 = 16ms  ; 30 = 500ms  ; 60 = 1s  DelayCount=15  RateCount=1  设置按键延迟,最好别乱修改。  [BacklightTimeout]  ; Specified number. (unit of sec)  ; Anything turns off the backlight when there is no key input.  ; WhenStandby=FileClosed WhenPicture=BMP/Jpeg etc. WhenText=Text WhenSound=NSF/MP3 etc.  WhenStandby=10 ----------------无任务时  WhenPicture=15 ----------------浏览图片时  WhenText=30 -------------------阅读电子书时  WhenSound=10 ------------------播放音乐时  设置各种状态下关闭背光所需的时间(单位是秒)。  [Boot]  ; Show/Hide windows. (0=Show, 1=Hide)  hiddenAboutWindow=0 -----------关于窗口  hiddenHelpWindow=0 ------------帮助窗口  hiddenDateTimeWindow=0 --------时间窗口  显示/隐藏各种窗口(0为显示,1为隐藏)  ; 5.4 StartupSound = [0|1|2] (Default = 1)  ; This is for defining if starting sound is played or not when starting MoonShell.  ; Random starting sound will select randomly one mp3 from the folder to play.  ; 0 = Starting sound off  ; 1 = Starting sound on  ; 2 = Random starting sound  StartupSound=1  设置系统启动声音,0为关闭,1为开启,2为随机  [Thumbnail]  ; 6.1 Mode = [0|1|2|3] (Default = 3)  ; Thumbnail and full screen preview settings.  ; 0 = Off  ; 1 = Only thumbnail preview  ; 2 = Only full screen preview  ; 3 = Thumbnail preview and full screen preview  Mode=3  设置图片浏览模式,0为关闭,1为只有缩小预览模式,2为只有全屏预览模式,3为缩小和全屏模式都有。  [TextPlugin]  ; 7.1 SpacePixel = [N] (Default = 1)  ; Defines distance between two lines of text in pixels.  ; N can be any integer in [1..191-FontHeightInPixels] range.  SpacePixel=1  设置显示TXT文档时,每两行字之间间隔多少象素。  [NDSROMPlugin]  ; 8.1 CrashMeProtection = [0|1] (Default = 1)  ; DS destructive Trojan: 'Trojan.DSBrickA/B' can break your system to useless brick.  ; MoonShell can check files before opening them. It only takes a second to check.  ; It's not recommended to set this security check off.  ; 0 = Protection Off  ; 1 = Protection On  CrashMeProtection=1  设置开启防止nds变板砖的病毒的防护功能与否,0为关闭,1为开启。  ; 10.2 ImageMode = [0|1] (Default = 0)  ; Single or double screens can be used for displaying images. Double screen mode  ; has a limited support.  ; 0 = Single display mode  ; 1 = Double display mode  ImageMode=0  设置图片模式,可以使用单屏或者双屏。0为单屏,1为双屏。  ; 10.3 DrawFileInfo = [0|1] (Default = 1)  ; The file informations are displayed in GUI, if there are informations.  ; 0 = Hide informations  ; 1 = Show informations  DrawFileInfo=1  设置显示文件信息与否,0为隐藏,1为显示。  ; 10.4 VerticalPadding = [N] (Default = 96)  ; The size of the space between upper and lower screen can be set when using Double  ; display mode (value: ImageMode=1).  VerticalPadding=96  设置在双屏显示图片时,上屏和下屏间间隔多少像素。  [ClockPlugin]  ; 11.1 Enabled = [0|1] (Default = 1)  ; Displaying the clock plug-in.  ; 0 = Hide  ; 1 = Display  Enabled=1  设置使用时钟插件与否,0为不使用,1为使用。  ; 11.2 RTC24Hour = [0|1] (Default = 1)  ; Defining hour time format.  ; 0 = 12-hour time format (with: AM/PM -letters)  ; 1 = 24-hour time format  RTC24Hour=1  设置时间的表示格式,0为12小时制,1为24小时制。  ; 11.3 FormatDate = [value] (Default = YYYY/MM/DD)  ; The display format of the date. Max length is 32 characters.  ; In this example, the year(Y) is 2001, month(M) is 2 and the day(D) is 3.  ; When using code (it displays):  ; YYYY (2001), YY (01), MM (02), M (2), DD (03), D (3)  ; So using code: YYYY/MM/DD date is displayed as: 2001/02/03  ; Different separator characters can be used: , - . /  FormatDate=YYYY/MM/DD  设置年月日的格式。  6.3 修改皮肤  自MOONSHELL0.99以来就可以使用皮肤来美化我们的MOONSHELL了,点击下载皮肤样本。解压,将SkinSample文件夹里面的文本全都拷贝到你储存卡上的shell文件夹里面就可以使用该皮肤了。另外只要你可以通过用自己喜欢的图片来替换以下各种图片,就能DIY出属于你自己的 moonshell皮肤了。  c_file.bmp 上背景  desktop.bmp 下背景  client.bmp ID3信息栏背景  c_text.bmp 文本背景  titlea.bmp 标题文本背景  prgbara.bmp 播放控制条  prgbard.bmp 播放控制条背景  sb_bg.bmp 滚动条背景  sb_body.bmp 滚动条本体  sb_part.bmp 滚动条部分  6.4 修改颜色方案  在皮肤文件夹里面还有个skin.ini文件,该文件的内容就是用来设置moonshell系统的颜色和调整系统窗口的位置。只要你搭配好各种颜色,那么你的moonshell看起来就会更加的舒服了。  01 DesktopBG 整体背景色  02 TitleA_Bright 窗口标题栏边框颜色(左,上)  03 TitleA_Dark 窗口标题栏边框颜色(右,下)  04 TitleA_BG 上窗口、播放控制栏标题色  05 TitleA_Text 标题文字颜色  06 TitleA_TextShadow 标题文字阴影  07 TitleD_Bright 信息栏标题边框颜色(左,上)  08 TitleD_Dark 信息栏标题边框颜色(右,下)  09 TitleD_BG 信息栏标题背景色  10 TitleD_Text 信息栏标题文字颜色  11 ScrollBar 滚动条  12 FrameBright 信息栏边框颜色(左和上)  13 FrameDar 信息栏边框颜色(右和下)  14 ClientBG 信息栏文本栏背景色  15 ClientText 信息栏信息文字颜色  16 FileSelectBG 文件浏览框背景色  17 FileSelectText 文件名颜色  18 FileSelectCursor 反选条颜色  19 FileSelectPlay 正在运行文件的反选条颜色  20 TextViewBG 文本阅读背景色  21 TextViewText 文本阅读文本颜色  22 ProgressEnd 播放滚动条颜色  23 ProgressLast 滚动条背景色  6.5 修改窗口的位置  在skin.ini文件后半部分还有一些内容,他们就是用来设置moonshell系统中各种窗口的显示位置。以下是各内容的相关说明:  [OverrideWindowRect_About]  Moonshell相关信息信息窗口  [OverrideWindowRect_Help]  帮助信息窗口  [OverrideWindowRect_PlayControl]  播放控制栏窗口  [OverrideWindowRect_FileSelect]  选择文件窗口  [OverrideWindowRect_DateTime]  时钟窗口  [OverrideWindowRect_PicView]  图片浏览窗口  [OverrideWindowRect_TextView]  文本阅读窗口  [OverrideWindowRect_Progress]  任务运行窗口  [OverrideWindowRect_SetNext]  设置Music next选项窗口(点击选择stop,reapeat,NormalLoop,NormalOff,ShuffleLoop,ShuffleOff,PowerOff等模式的那个窗口)  [OverrideWindowRect_FileInfo]  文件信息窗口  其中各项内容下面还有x=*,y=*,w=*,h=*这样的内容,这些内容就是用来直接设置各窗口的位置。其中X,Y,W,H的含义如下:  X表示横坐标  Y表示纵坐标  w表示宽度  H表示高度  NDS屏幕最左上角的那个点的坐标是(1,1),最右下角的那个点坐标是(256,192) ,你可以随意设置,让窗口显示在自己喜欢的位置。

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