

2024-08-16 16:31:03 编辑:zane 浏览量:607




一、教学目标 熟记第一单元单词 熟练运用知识点 理解并会运用主系表和人称代词的用法 二.重点理解并记忆单词,知识点 三. 难点主系表和人称代词的用法 四. 预习内容 1. 复习第一单元的单词与课文 2. 查找知识点 导 案 学习过程(一)导入,重申目标 (二)检查预习情况 (三)自主,合作,探究 1. make friends 交朋友2. welcome to 欢迎到..... Nice to meet /see you. 见到你很高兴答语:Nice to meet /see you, too. 见到你也很高兴 4. How do you do ? 初次见面时的问候语意为:你好吗?答语是:How do you do ? 5. See you later. 回头见 6. — How are you? — I'm fine, thank you. And you? — I'm fine ,too. Thank you. foot Tooth Mouse mice roof 单复数相同的:deer sheep Chinese Japanese 以O结尾的 hero/ potato/ tomato +es Radio photo +s ※ 以man和woman结尾的 多数都是把a变e Policeman—policemen但是Germans Romans 除外 ※ Man/woman+名词 变复数是前后两个名词 都变复数其他的多只变后一个 ※ A man doctor ----two men doctors ※ A Woman teacher----- ten women teachers 三.人称代词的用法第一人称第二人称第三人称主格 I/we you youhe /she/they宾格 me/us you/you him/her/them人称代词的主格作主语,宾格作宾语用在动词或介词后。it :表示人以外的动物和东西。 ②也可以表示天气,时间,距离等,此时it 并不意为 “它”。③it可代替不明性别和身份的人, 四. 主语+系动词+表语表语通常是名词或形容词等 例如:He became a scientist. They are honest. His face goes red. It grew dark. 五. 课堂练习下列各句均有错误,请划出并改正:(10分) 1. Are you Kitty? Yes, I'm. 2. - Who is he? - This is Kumiko. 3. - Where is she from? - She's from canada. 4.Tom and Bill are in same class. 5.What class is she ? 六、句型转换:(10 分) 1. This is a book.(改为一般疑问句) _____ ______ a book? 2. They are in the same class.(改为否定句) They ____ ______ in the same class. 3. Bill is in Class 3 Grade 7.(对划线部分提问) _______ ______ _____ Bill in ? 4. Is this a bike ? (做否定回答) ______, it _______ . 5.Are these buses? 9(改为单数意义的句子) ______ ______ a ______ ? 七、根据汉语,完成句子:(10分) 1、请问你叫什么名字? ______ your ______, _______ ? 2、-你来自中国吗? -不,我来自加拿大。 _____ you _____ China? - No, I’m from Canada. 3、你的电话号码是多少? ______ your telephone ________? 4、这是刘梅的自行车。 This is ________ ____________. 5、我父亲是老师,我母亲是医生。 My ______ is a ______, my ________ is a ________. 八、完成下列对话, 每空一词:(5 分) A: _______ me. What’s this ____ English ? B: It’s ____ apple. A: _____ do you _____ it? B: A-_____ P –L-E, apple. 补全单词: 1. d__ct__ __ A. o, er B. u, or C. o, or D. o, ur 2.st__ d__ __t A. u, en B. u, ne C. o, en D. a,ne 3. tomo__ __ ow A. r B. or C. ro D. rr 4. m__ther A. o B.e C.a D.u II、按要求写出下列单词的相应形式: 1. bus(复数形式) ___________ 2. he(复数形式) ___________ 3. different(反义词) _________4. these(对应词) ___________ 5. what is(缩写形式) _________6.yes(反义词) ___________ 7. good (反义词)_________ 8.中学 (汉译英) __________ 9. 用英语(汉译英)_________ 10. 一年级四班(汉译英) _________ 三、选择填空:(15分) ( ) 1. -- _______ , are you Michael? --Yes, I am. A. Bill B. Excuse me C. Hi D. How are you ( ) 2. --Welcome to Canada. --_________. A.Thank you B. Thank C. Thanks you D. Nice to meet you. ( ) 3. --How are you? -- A. See you tomorrow B. Good afternoon C. Fine, thank you D. Good-bye ( ) 4. --Is he Kangkang? -- A. No, he is B. Yes, he's C. Yes, he is D. No, I’m not ( ) 5. --Where are they from? -- _____________. A. They're from Chicago B. Yes, they are from China C. I am from Nanjing D. He is from China. ( ) 6. --Who's this? -- _______ A. She's Jones B. She's from the USA C. This is Michael D. It’s Maria ( ) 7. -- _______ is he? --He is 14. A. Where B. Who C. What D. How old ( ) 8. --_______ you Kitty? --Yes, I _____ . A. Am; are B. Is; am C. Are; am D. Is, am ( ) 9. - _________. – It’s here. A. Where are you from B. Who is this C. Where is she D. Where is New York. ( ) 10. –hat’s that? - It’s an ______. A. book B. books C. apple D. cake ( ) 11. What are those ? - _________. A. It’s a bus B. Those are bus C. They are buss D. They are boxes ( ) 12. - ______ are they in ? - They are in Grade 7. A. What class B. What C. Where D. What class ( ) 13. – Is this ______ bike? - No, it isn’t. It’s ____bike . A. you, his B. his, her C. your, she D. she, his ( ) 14. This is ____ orange and that is ____ box. A. a, a B. an, an C. an, a D. a. an ( ) 15. -What class are you in? --I'm in _________ A. class 2, grade 8 B. Class one, Grade seven C. Grade 6, Class 3, D. Class Three, Grade

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