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“where is my mind "最精准的歌词翻译

2024-07-08 08:58:48 编辑:zane 浏览量:572

“where is my mind "最精准的歌词翻译


“where is my mind

With your feet in the air and your head on the ground 让你的脚停留在空中,将你的头置于地板上Try this trick and spin it, yeah 试试这个把戏然后转一下,耶Your head will collapse 你的头肯定会崩溃But there's nothing in it 然而里面却空无一物And you'll ask yourself 于是你问自己说Where is my mind? 我的思想上哪儿去了?Where is my mind? 我的思想上哪儿去了?Where is my mind? 我的思想上哪儿去了?Way out in the water 从水中寻求出去的办法See it swimmin' 就是游泳I was swimmin' in the Carribean 我正在加勒比海游泳Animals were hiding behind the rocks 动物们藏在岩石后头Except the little fish 小鱼儿们除外But they told me, he swears 但是他们告诉我,他发誓说Tryin' to talk to me to me to me 试图和我交谈,和我交谈Where is my mind? 我的思想上哪儿去了?Where is my mind? 我的思想上哪儿去了?Where is my mind? 我的思想上哪儿去了?Way out in the water 从水中寻求出去的办法See it swimmin' 就是游泳With your feet in the air and your head on the ground 让你的脚停留在空中,将你的头置于地板上Try this trick and spin it, yeah 试试这个把戏然后转一下,耶Your head will collapse 你的头肯定会崩溃But there's nothing in it 然而里面却空无一物And you'll ask yourself 于是你问自己说Where is my mind? 我的思想上哪儿去了?Where is my mind? 我的思想上哪儿去了?Where is my mind? 我的思想上哪儿去了?Way out in the water 从水中寻求出去的办法See it swimmin'? 真的就是游泳吗?

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