的有关信息介绍如下:不好意思啊……答案么 全部的是绝对没有的,你如果条件允许的话……可以去买一本一样的,上面附答案的。 不过其中的几个题目,倒是有答案,,你看看我的是不是和你的一样,希望能帮到你的忙。P45页1.A clever lamb2.She is very clever to save herself from the wolf's mouth. ①Who is the story about?a lamb and a wolf②When does the story take place?the story took place one day③Where does the story take place?the story took place in the field④Why does the lamv ask the wolf to ring the bell?the lamb want the ring will call the sheepherder for help.⑤How does the story go?it goes acording to time.⑥What's the result of the story?the barking dogs frightened the wolf away and saved the lamb P44 阅读空间 经典欣赏1、He is sleeping.2、He wants to go to school.3、Because he wants to know whether Nemo is clear in his mind.4、休息 阅读欣赏表现了尼蒙想上学的急切胆小,护子心切 我就发这些了,前面的什么标志的,广告的,你随便一搜就能搜到,我懒得发了,祝你好运!