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Micheal learns to rock 根据《黄昏》和《一无所有》改编的歌叫什么名字?

2024-10-27 14:50:03 编辑:zane 浏览量:554

Micheal learns to rock 根据《黄昏》和《一无所有》改编的歌叫什么名字?


Micheal learns to rock 根据《黄昏》和《一无所有》改编的歌叫什么名字?

《betrayal》的歌词 BETRAYALMy love has gone the way ,quietly leave after a hundered days,this is what's she has always say she won't stay .for more than what she can repay .I can still hear her say ,there that I'm not hearing tender play ,The day she let me kiss her was a display of love to those she betrayal.How can I put someone to the test when I thought I got on the bus until take some * * I regret ,but still I won't detest ,the love I can forget like someone who has left .how can I leave someone for the rest when I alone facting the bus .untill the take some try to reason I reget ,but still I won't detest ,who I can never forget like someone I once met.

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