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求David Archuleta 《Elevator》 英文歌词及中文翻译

2024-09-02 09:06:54 编辑:zane 浏览量:579

求David Archuleta 《Elevator》 英文歌词及中文翻译


求David Archuleta 《Elevator》 英文歌词及中文翻译

David Archuleta 《Elevator》  Woah oh oh ohhh  I had a dream last night  I didn't know which floor to get off on, heyyyeyy  The doors, they opened on 4 and 5 and 6  And you were gone, all gone  I didn't understand  I didn't wanna know  At least I took a chance  I had to let it go  Elevator goes up  Elevator come down  And you just go with the flow  Until your feet are back on the ground  It's an endless ride  Sometimes it takes you up  Sometimes it tears you down inside  But it's the butterflies  That keep you feeling so alive, so alive  You gotta get back that high  And in my dream last night  The doors they finally shut and I was there, somewhere  Alone in my reality inside an empty box  That's filled with air  But I don't care, noooo  Next time I'll get it right  Next time I'll be okay  I'll have a different dream tonight  Tomorrow's another day  Elevator goes up (elevator goes up)  You'll never know  What you're gonna get  What you don't expect will come and find you  If you laugh or cry  If you run and hide  But it's all right  《电梯》  哇哦哦哦  我昨天晚上做梦了我不知道自己该停在那一级台阶厅圆。  那些门,它们在4楼、5楼、6楼停着  但是你走了,都走了。  我不明白  我不想知道  至少我带一个机会,  我不得不放手  电梯上上下下,  你只是随大流  直到你脚或升回到了地面  这是一条无尽的征途  有时给你希望  有时又让你失望  但是它是蝴蝶  它让你保持有生气的活着,活着  你要回到那麽高  昨晚,在我的梦里  他们终于关闭的门,但是,在某处,我也在那里  一个人在我真实的生活在一个空盒子  许多充满空气,  但我不在乎,不……  下次我会把事情办好  下次我没事  今晚,我会有不同的梦想  明天是新的一天  电梯上升(电梯上升)  你永远不知道衫伏老  你会得到什么  你别指望会来找你  即使你笑或者哭  即使你跑或者藏起来  但一切都没事  第一次给人翻译,唉真的好累!  不敢求雅,只求准。  望采纳!

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