当前位置:百问家>生活百科>请问在哪可以订阅China Daily 英文报刊?很多人要订

请问在哪可以订阅China Daily 英文报刊?很多人要订

2024-11-09 20:05:51 编辑:zane 浏览量:554

请问在哪可以订阅China Daily 英文报刊?很多人要订


请问在哪可以订阅China Daily 英文报刊?很多人要订

有电子版哦。这是China Daily的官方网站:http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/也可以用电骡下载:http://lib.verycd.com/2006/04/19/0000099504.html如果要订报纸,可以去邮局办理。以下是官方网站上关于发行的FAQ: 1. How to subscribe China Daily?· In Beijing, Shanghai & Guangzhou, you can subscribe directly from our local offices through hotline or e-mail; or subscribe at local post office..· In other cities, you can subscribe at local post office. · Overseas readers can subscribe directly from our Beijing office by hotline (86-10-64918763) or email (circu@chinadaily.com.cn).2. 2. How soon can the subscribers receive the newspaper after he/she completes subscription procedure?·In Beijing, Shanghai & Guangzhou, delivery can be done in 48 hours.3. 3. Can I start my subscription in the middle of a month?·Yes, you can. You can subscribe at any time in the year.4. 4. When can I receive my paper every day?·In Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, we promise that we can deliver China Daily to your requested location at 7:00 am in downtown areas.5. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us, at circu@chinadaily.com.cn, or you can call us 86-10-64918763/64924404 (Fax: 86-10-64918252)

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