

2024-08-31 10:25:54 编辑:zane 浏览量:539




背上你的书包your bags on the back短语赶快背上你的书包 Back your bags quickly我帮你拿手提包 Shall I carry your bag 背上你小背包 Carry Your Little Bag双语例句背上你的书包。Carry your schoolbag. 打开你的铅笔盒/合上你的书/背上你的书包。Open your pencil box. /Close your book. /Carry your bag. 当你背上书包时,它会不停的揉动,能让你感到很舒服,书包上有两个防雨功能。When you back schoolbag, it will keep knead move, can let you feel very comfortable, bag withtwo rainproof function. 扩展资料背上书包carry the schoolbag一、短语1、背上书包上学堂 LATI Y-PURY2、背上你的书包 your bags on the back ; Back your bags ; Open your book3、赶快背上你的书包 Back your bags quickly二、双语例句1、“唔,”我背上书包,“我想我应该谢谢你!”I grabbed my backpack. “Thanks, I think.” 2、2004年,在他背上书包的第一天,就遇上了这次震惊世界的人质事件,52个小时的煎熬,他永远失去了妈妈和妹妹,自己也留下了精神和肉体的创伤。In 2004 he encountered this terror that shocked the world on his first day of school. During the52-hour torment he lost his mom and little sister and he suffered mental and physical trauma. 3、“秋游去!”、“找秋语去!”我们扛着队旗,背上书包,行走在山间小路上。"Autumn outing to go! ", "Looking for words to fall! " We are carrying pennants, back bags, walking in the mountain road.

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