

2024-07-23 12:12:09 编辑:zane 浏览量:579




英国第二国歌,曾被爱德华七世用作《加冕颂歌》Coronation Ode 加冕颂诗Land of Hope and Glory,Mother of the Free,How may we extol thee,Who are born of thee?Truth and Right and Freedom,Each a holy gem,Stars of solemn brightness,weave thy diadem.Tho' thy way be darkened,Still in splendour drest,As the star that tremblesO'er the liquid West.Throned amid the billows,Throned inviolate,Though hast reigned victorious,Though has smiled at fate.Land of Hope and Glory,Fortress of the Free,How may we extol thee,Praise thee, honour thee?Hark, a mighty nationMaketh glad reply;Lo, our lips are thankful,Lo, our hearts are high!Hearts in hope uplifted,Loyal lips that sing;Strong in faith and freedom,We have crowned our King! 英国作家豪斯曼为此写的抒情诗《希望和光荣的国土》。LAND OF HOPE AND GLORYDear Land of Hope, thy hope is crowned.God make thee mightier yet!On Sov'ran brows, beloved, renowned,Once more thy crown is set.Thine equal laws, by Freedom gained,Have ruled thee well and long;By Freedom gained, by Truth maintained,Thine Empire shall be strong.Land of Hope and Glory, Mother of the Free,How shall we extol thee, who are born of thee?Wider still and wider shall thy bounds be set;God, who made thee mighty, make thee mightier yet.God, who made thee mighty, make thee mightier yet.Thy fame is ancient as the days,As Ocean large and wide:A pride that dares, and heeds not praise,A stern and silent pride:Not that false joy that dreams contentWith what our sires have won;The blood a hero sire hath spentStill nerves a hero son.-- A C Benson

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