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How deep is your love 是什么意思?

2024-07-21 10:08:19 编辑:zane 浏览量:558

How deep is your love 是什么意思?


How deep is your love 是什么意思?

我喜欢的那个男孩子最喜欢这首歌了,听到这首歌我都会想起他。。。。《How deep is your love》是由Bee Gees乐队创作。I know your eyes in the morning sun 在清晨的阳光里, 我读懂你的眼睛 I feel you touch me in the pouring rain 倾盆大雨里,我感受你的爱抚 And the moment that you wander far from me 而在你从我身边迷途走失的时刻 I wanna feel you in my arms again 我想再次在怀抱中感受到你 And you come to me on a summer breeze 你走向我, 恰似夏日凉风 Keep me warm in your love and then softly leave 用爱温暖我, 而后悄悄离去 And its me you need to show 正是我, 需要你来表达出: Chorus: How deep is your love 你的爱有多深 I really need to learn 我的确需要明白 cause were living in a world of fools 因为我们生活在一个愚人世界里 Breaking us down 我们不再坚持 When they all should let us be 当所有人都该让我们随心所欲的时候 We belong to you and me 我们这个字只属于我和你 I believe in you 我坚信你 You know the door to my very soul 你知道通往我灵魂深处的大门 Youre the light in my deepest darkest hour 你是我人生黑暗时刻的光明 Youre my saviour when I fall 你是我沉沦时刻的救世主 And you may not think 或许你不觉得 I care for you 我很紧张你 When you know down inside 其实从内心深处你该知道 That I really do 我是认真的 And its me you need to show 正是我, 需要你来表达出

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