

2024-10-22 14:51:39 编辑:zane 浏览量:523




是中国人,要不然怎么会不懂英语呢?最近他的某微博发表一个2000年3月13日荷兰的鞭炮爆炸,声称117吨的鞭炮没炸塌事发现场的墙。同时查询维基百科的话,你会发现英文版的维基百科声称23死947伤,有40公顷的范围受到严重破坏,有400做房屋被摧毁,1250人无家可归,造成的损失4。5亿欧元。这个都能选择性无视来喷河南。只能说明他确实是中国人,因为Y不懂英语啊。下面就是英文维基百科给的材料:The Enschede fireworks disaster was a catastrophic fireworksexplosion occurring at the SE Fireworks depot on 13 May 2000, in the eastern Dutch city of Enschede.The fire led to an enormous explosion which killed 23 people (including four firemen) and injured 947.[1] The first explosion had a strength in the order of 800 kg TNT equivalence, while the strength of the final explosion was within the range of 4000-5000 kg TNT.[2] The biggest blast was felt up to 30 kilometres (19 mi) from the scene.A 40 hectare (100 acres, or 0.4 square kilometre) area around the warehouse was destroyed by the blast.[4] Around 400 houses were destroyed, 15 streets incinerated and a total of 1,500 homes were damaged, leaving 1,250 people homeless – essentially obliterating the neighbourhood of Roombeek. Ten thousand residents were evacuated, and damages eventually exceeded € 450 million.[5]

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