

2024-08-06 08:22:19 编辑:zane 浏览量:540




in the city of love Isabella: So, Phineas, what do you think of the City of Love??伊莎贝拉:哇,另外,你认为of the City of爱吗??Phineas: I wish it was the City of Airplane Parts...菲尼亚斯:I wish it was the City of飞机零部件。Isabella: Oh, you're just too stressed! You should take a moment to relax and enjoy it.伊莎贝拉:哦,你只是太紧了!你应该花时间去放松和享受它。We could share a crêpe sucrée我们可以分享到甜煎饼At this Parisian caféat this巴黎咖啡Phineas: Huh, that awning could be used as a sail. Or, you know, a parachute, depending on how things go.菲尼亚斯:嗯,那awning could be used as a帆。现在,你知道,降落伞,这取决于如何的事情吧。Isabella: Take a break and smell these flowers伊莎贝拉:休息和这些花的气味Underneath the Eiffel Tower下面The Eiffel塔Phineas: I wonder if they still have pieces of that hanging around? The rivets would come in handy.我不知道如果他们菲尼亚斯:还有个of that悬在吗?the铆钉将来的便利。Isabella: Oh, Phineas...伊莎贝拉:哦,菲尼亚斯……Won't you share a crème brûlée with me?你不会股焦糖布丁我吗?Phineas: Hey, look at that nifty little blow torch!菲尼亚斯:嘿,看那小nifty把火炬!Isabella: How perfect could this be伊莎贝拉:How could this是完美的In the City of Love??in the City of爱吗??Couples: (In the City of Love?)夫妇:(in the City of love?)Isabella: In the City of Love伊莎贝拉:in the City of LoveFerb: (In the City of Love)ferb:(in the City of Love)Isabella: We could try some fancy cheese伊莎贝拉:我们可以尝试一些新奇的奶酪Or peruse the galleries金peruse the场地7Phineas: I wonder if oil-based paint is combustible...as a rocket fuel.菲尼亚斯:我知道如果油基涂料是...as燃料火箭燃料。Isabella: Isn't this a perfect day?伊莎贝拉:不是这完美的一天吗?How do I look in this beret?how do I look in this贝雷帽?Phineas: Oh, that reminds me, we might need helmets!菲尼亚斯:哦,那我reminds,我们可能需要helmets!Isabella: Oh, how can he not feel the same way伊莎贝拉:哦,我怎么能不感到the same wayWhen we're strolling down the Champs-Élysées当我们漫步在冠军É赖氨酸éESIn the City of Love?in the City of爱吗?Lady: (In the City of Love)夫人:(in the City of Love)Couples: In the City of Love夫妇:in the City of LoveIsabella: I wish that he would whisper "ma chérie, je t'aime"伊莎贝拉:我希望我会耳语";亲爱的,我爱你";But all he wants to do is try to fix that plane这是我想做的是试图修复这面In the City of Lovein the City of LoveArtist: (In the City of Love)艺术家:(in the City of Love)Isabella: In the City of Love (in the City of Love)伊莎贝拉:in the City of Love(in the City of Love)In the City of Love.... (in the City of Love)in the City of Love…(in the City of Love)come home perryPhineas: Perry, you know you are a boy's best friend,You're more than just a passing trend,You're like a treat from a candy store,Oh, Perry, we love you more than ice cream cakes,We love you more than bugs and snakes,We love you more than all things mentioned before.Oh, Perry, you're extraordinary,You're kinda short and hairy,The color of a blueberry,菲尼亚斯:佩里,你知道你是一个男孩最好的朋友,你只是一时的流行,你就像从糖果店,一把哦,佩里,我们比冰淇淋蛋糕的爱你,我们爱你比昆虫和蛇,我们比之前所提到的一切爱你。哦,佩里,你很特殊,你有点儿短而多毛,蓝莓的颜色,Phineas, Ferb, and Isabella: Yes, Perry!菲尼亚斯,佛,和伊莎贝拉:是的,佩里!All: So come home Perry,Come home Perry, come home!所有:所以佩里佩里回家,回家,回家!Phineas: Hey, Candace, why don't you sing one?Candace: Um... Oh Perry, I think it's kind of scaryI can't find you anywhere-y,It fills me with despair-y?Oh, Perry! I'm allergic to dairy,I'm gonna move to the prairie,And change my name to Larry!Phineas: Larry?菲尼亚斯:嘿,坎迪斯,你为什么不唱?坎迪斯:嗯…哦,佩里,我认为它是一种scaryi不能找到你anywhere-y,它让我充满了despair-y?哦,佩里!我对乳制品过敏,我要搬到大草原,和改变我的名字给拉里!菲尼亚斯:拉里?Candace: I ran out of rhymes, alright?坎迪斯:我跑出韵,好吗?Crowd: She'll change her name to Larry!Larry!Phineas: Larry!人群:她会改变她的名字,拉里!拉里!菲尼亚斯:拉里!All: So come home Perry,Come home Perry, come homeSo come home Perry,Come home Perry, come home!Come home Perry, come home!所有:所以佩里佩里回家,回家,回家来通知佩里佩里,回家,回家!佩里回家,回家![Perry chatters]Candace: Oh, there you are, Perry.Phineas: Perry![Phineas, Ferb, Isabella, Baljeet and the Fireside Girls hug Perry]Buford: [picks up Candace's microphone] Good job, Larry.Candace: Welcome home.【佩里喋喋不休]坎迪斯:哦,你在那里,菲尼亚斯佩里佩里![菲尼亚斯,小佛,伊莎贝拉,Baljeet和炉边女孩拥抱佩里]布福德:[拿起坎迪斯的麦克风]好,拉里。坎迪斯:欢迎回家。summer (Where Do We Begin?Phineas: The days are longer,菲尼亚斯:长的日子,The nights are shorter,夜短,The sun is shining.阳光灿烂。Ferb: It's noticeably warmer.Ferb:很明显更温暖。Phineas: It's summer, every single moment is worth its weight in gold.菲尼亚斯:现在是夏天,每一刻都是无价之宝。Summer, it's like the world's best story and it's waiting to be told.夏天,这就像是世界上最好的故事,它是在等待。It's ice cream cones and cherry soda dripping down your chin.这是冰淇淋和樱桃苏打滴顺着你的下巴。It's summer, man, where do we begin?现在是夏天,人,我们从哪里开始?Summer is ponds and pools and garden hoses, trying to beat the heat.夏天是游泳池和花园软管,试图击败热。Summer, bicycles and roller skates and even just bare feet.夏天,自行车,溜冰鞋,甚至只是赤裸的英尺。It's also... Surfing tidal waves, creating nanobots,这也是…冲浪的潮汐波,创造了机器人,Or locating Frankenstein's brain.或定位弗兰肯斯坦的大脑。Finding a dodo bird, painting a continent,找到渡渡鸟,画一个大陆,Or driving our sister in...或驾驶我们的妹妹…Oh, wait. Maybe we're going too fast.哦,等等。也许,我们走得太快了。(Phineas-2 and Ferb-2 shivering)(phineas-2和ferb-2颤抖)Summer, it's crickets and cicadas and a glass of lemonade.夏天,它是蟋蟀、蝉和一杯柠檬水。Summer, it's sitting with your brother in the backyard under the shade of a big tree.夏天,它是坐在你的后院里的兄弟一棵大树的树荫下。That's what it means to me.这对我意味着什么。The days are longer,长的日子,Phineas and Phineas-2: The nights are shorter,菲尼亚斯和phineas-2:夜短,The sun is shining.阳光灿烂。Ferb-2: It's noticeably warmer.ferb-2:很明显更温暖。Phineas: It's summer, every single moment is worth its weight in gold.菲尼亚斯:现在是夏天,每一刻都是无价之宝。Summer, it's like the world's best story and it's waiting to be told.夏天,这就像是世界上最好的故事,它是在等待。It's ice cream cones and cherry soda dripping down your chin.这是冰淇淋和樱桃苏打滴顺着你的下巴。It's summer, man, where do we begin?现在是夏天,人,我们从哪里开始?Chorus: Summer, man, where do we begin?合唱:夏天,人,我们从哪里开始?Phineas: It's summer, man, where do we begin?菲尼亚斯:现在是夏天,人,我们从哪里开始?Summer belongs to youPhineas: It's been a long, long day菲尼亚斯:这是一个漫长,漫长的一天And there were moments when I doubted有时我怀疑Isabella: That we'd ever reach the point伊莎贝拉:我们曾经达到的点Where we could laugh and sing about it在那里我们可以大笑和歌唱它Phineas and Isabella: Now the sun has set on this,菲尼亚斯和伊莎贝拉:现在太阳已经落下了,Another extraordinary day另一个不平凡的一天And when it comes around again当它来了You know I'll say你知道我会说Tell me whatcha wanna do today告诉我你今天想做什么All we need is a place to start我们需要的是一个开始的地方If we have heart, we'll make it如果我们的心,我们会'Cause we're not messing around (we're not messing around)因为我们不乱搞(我们不乱搞)Yes we can dream it, do it, build it, make it是的我们可以梦想它,做它,建造它,使它I know we can really take it我知道我们真的可以把它To the limit before the sun goes down到了极限,在太阳下山前Phineas: As soon as you wake up you gotta make your move菲尼亚斯:当你醒来,你得让你走Isabella: Don't miss the beat, just get into the groove伊莎贝拉:不要错过的节拍,刚刚进入槽Phineas and Isabella: The sun is shining, there's a lot that you菲尼亚斯和伊莎贝拉:阳光明媚,有很多事情你can do (a lot that you can do)可以做(许多你可以做)There's a world of possibilities outside your door有一个在你门外的可能性的世界Why settle for a little, you can get much more为什么要解决的一个点,你可以得到更多Don't need an invitation, every day is new不需要邀请的,每天都是新的Yes, it's true是的,这是真的Summer belongs to you (Summer belongs to you)夏天属于你(夏天属于你)Summer belongs to you (Summer belongs to you)夏天属于你(夏天属于你)Summer belongs to everyone, so have some fun夏天是属于每个人,所以有一些乐趣There's nothing better to do没有什么更好的事情Summer belongs to you夏天是属于你的Candace: All right, I'm taking a verse.坎迪斯:好的,我考虑的诗句。Phineas: Be my guest.菲尼亚斯:是我的客人。Candace: I traveled halfway around the world坎迪斯:我走遍世界And almost turned and ran away几乎转身跑了But you helped me get my courage back但你帮我得到我的勇气回来So now I've got to say所以现在我要说的That though I've often thought of you虽然我经常想起你As just a nuisance and a bother只是讨厌和烦恼Today I can't imagine今天我不能想象Having better little brothers具有较好的小兄弟And you gotta believe in something你必须相信一些东西So today I believed in you所以今天,我相信你And you came through, we made it你走过来,我们成功了I've never been so proud (never been so proud)我从未如此自豪(从未如此自豪)I know at first it seemed implausible我知道它起初似乎难以置信But we accomplished the impossible但我们完成了不可能的Now there's something that I've got to say out loud现在我有事要大声说出来Time is what you make of it, so take a chance时间是你的,所以需要一个机会Phineas: That's it!菲尼亚斯:就是这样!Life is full of music so you ought to dance生活中充满了音乐,你应该跳舞Phineas: She's got it!菲尼亚斯:她是得到了它!The world's a stage and it is time for your debut世界是一个舞台,这是你的第一次Phineas: By jove, I think she's got it!菲尼亚斯:啊,我觉得她是得到了它!Don't waste a minute sitting on that chair不要浪费一分钟坐在椅子上Phineas: Yeah!菲尼亚斯:是的!The world is calling so, just get out there世界在如此,只是滚出去那里Phineas: That's what I'm talking about!菲尼亚斯:这就是我说的!You can see forever so your dreams are all in view你可以看到,你的梦想永远都在Phineas: Yes it's true菲尼亚斯:没错Phineas, Isabella and Candace: Summer belongs to you (summer菲尼亚斯,伊莎贝拉和坎迪斯:夏天属于你(夏天belongs to you)属于你)Summer belongs to you (summer belongs to you)夏天属于你(夏天属于你)Summer belongs to you (summer belongs to you)夏天属于你(夏天属于你)Summer belongs to everyone, so have some fun夏天是属于每个人,所以有一些乐趣There's nothing better to do没有什么更好的事情Phineas and Isabella: Summer belongs to you (summer belongs to菲尼亚斯和伊莎贝拉:夏天属于你(夏天属于you)你)Summer belongs to you (summer belongs to you)夏天属于你(夏天属于你)Summer belongs to boys and girls all around the world夏天是属于全世界的男孩和女孩We wouldn't say it if it wasn't true我们不如果不是真的说Summer belongs to you (summer belongs to you)夏天属于你(夏天属于你)Ferb: Baby, baby, baby, babyFerb:宝贝,宝贝,宝贝,宝贝Phineas and Isabella: Summer belongs to you (summer belongs to菲尼亚斯和伊莎贝拉:夏天属于你(夏天属于you)你)Summer belongs to you (summer belongs to you)夏天属于你(夏天属于你)Whatever you want to do, you make the rules无论你想做什么,你制定的规则You got the tools to see it through你有工具看到它通过Summer belongs to you (summer belongs to you)夏天属于你(夏天属于你)Summer belongs to you (summer belongs to you)夏天属于你(夏天属于你)Just remember that you can do it and when you're through it记住,你能做到的,当你穿过它Will change your point of view将改变你的观点Summer belongs to you!夏天是属于你的!百度翻译太牛了,所以我劝你最好看英语,望采纳

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