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求这首歌的歌词Leonard Cohen I am Your Man

2024-07-31 22:37:01 编辑:zane 浏览量:582

求这首歌的歌词Leonard Cohen I am Your Man


求这首歌的歌词Leonard Cohen I am Your Man

歌曲:《I'm Your Man》专辑:《I'm Your Man》歌手:Leonard Cohen歌词:If you want a lover如果你需要个情人I'll do anything you ask me to我可以为你赴汤蹈火And if you want another kind of love如果你想体验另一种爱I'll wear a mask for you我愿为你戴上面具If you want a partner如果你早段需要一个伴侣Take my hand牵住我的手吧Or if you want to strike me down in anger如果你愤怒得想揍人Here I stand我会站在你面前I'm your man因为我是你的男人If you want a boxer如果你需要一个拳手I will step into the ring for you我会为你跨入拳台And if you want a doctor如果你需要医生疗伤I'll examine every inch of you我将抚慰你的每一寸伤口If you want a driver如果你需要有人稍你一程Climb inside来上我的车吧Or if you want to take me for a ride即使你只是想搭一段便车You know you can如你所愿I'm your man其实我才是你要的男人啊Ah, the moon's too bright月光如此明亮The chain's too tight锁链如此沉重The beast won't go to sleep心中的猛兽迟迟不肯睡去I've been running through these promises to you我记忆起了给你的承纯友诺That I made and I could not keep那些从未实现的诺言Ah but a man never got a woman back啊,男人要是不低声下气Not by begging on his knees就永远无陆裤誉法挽回女人心Or I'd crawl to you baby宝贝我会慢慢的向你爬去And I'd fall at your feet拜倒在你的裙下And I'd howl at your beauty大肆称赞你的美丽Like a dog in heat像天气闷热时的犬那样And I'd claw at your heart在你的心上挠痒痒And I'd tear at your sheet我还会撕扯着你的床单I'd say please, please我会说——请,请..............I'm your man因为我是你的男人And if you've got to sleep如果你已入眠A moment on the road即使只是在旅途中的一小会I will steer for you我也会帮你驾驶And if you want to walk the street alone如果你想独自漫步街头I'll disappear for you我会从你身边消失If you want a father for your child如果你想为你的孩子找个父亲Or only want to walk with me a while或者只是想我伴你一程Across the sand穿过感情的荒漠I'm your man让我成为你的那个男人把If you want a lover如果你需要个情人I'll do anything you ask me to我可以为你赴汤蹈火And if you want another kind of love如果你想体验另一种爱I'll wear a mask for you我会为你戴上面具

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