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The Sentinel 歌词

2024-07-27 17:34:21 编辑:zane 浏览量:557

The Sentinel 歌词


The Sentinel 歌词

歌曲名:The Sentinel歌手:Judas Priest专辑:Priest...Live!The Sentinel 哨兵Artist(Band):Judas Priest编译:jionAlong deserted avenues沿着荒僻小径Steam begins to rise慢慢提升精力The figures primed and ready达到最佳状态Prepared for quick surprise应对任何状况He's watching for a sign时刻保持警惕His life is on the line此事关乎性命Sworn to avenge复仇之火Condemn to Hell直入地狱Tempt not the blade愤怒刀锋All fear the Sentinel恐怖哨兵Dogs whine in the alleys狗儿悲嗥Smoke is on the wind硝烟弥漫From deep inside its empty shell茫然无助A cathedral bell begins钟声鸣响Ringing out its toll幽幽回荡A storm begins to grow风暴将至Sworn to avenge复仇之火Condemn to Hell直入地狱Tempt not the blade愤怒刀锋All fear the Sentinel恐怖哨兵Amidst the upturned burned-out cars围着焚毁的汽车The challengers await挑战者们在等待And in their fists clutch iron bars手中紧握铁棒With which to seal his fate他坦然面对宿命Across his chest is scabbards rest带着决死战斗的信念The rows of throwing knives飞刀如雨Whose razor points in challenged tests技艺超群Have finished many lives结果了无数性命SOLONow facing one another人群蜂拥而上The stand-off eats at time看似永无止境Then all at once a silence falls静默骤然降临As the bell ceases its chime钟声停止鸣响Upon this sign the challengers挑战者们发起进攻With shrieks and cries rush forth尖声喊叫向前冲锋The knives fly out like bullets飞刀犹如子弹Upon their deadly course捎带死亡气息Screams of pain and agony痛苦与挣扎的叫喊Rent the silent air撕裂无声的空气Amidst the dying bodies环绕着将死的躯壳Blood runs everywhere血液流淌成河The figure stands expressionless哨兵面无表情地站立Impassive and alone冷静与孤独Unmoved by this victory胜利带不来丝毫触动And the seeds of death he's sown他撒下死亡的种子Sworn to avenge复仇之火Condemn to Hell直入地狱Tempt not the blade愤怒刀锋All fear the Sentinel恐怖哨兵Sworn to avenge复仇之火Condemn to Hell直入地狱Tempt not the blade愤怒刀锋All fear the Sentinel恐怖哨兵Sworn to avenge复仇之火Condemn to Hell直入地狱Tempt not the blade愤怒刀锋All fear the Sentinel恐怖哨兵Sworn to avenge复仇之火Condemn to Hell直入地狱Tempt not the blade愤怒刀锋All fear the Sentinel恐怖哨兵【END】http://music.baidu.com/song/8859994

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