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Monkey Magic 歌词

2024-07-27 11:08:29 编辑:zane 浏览量:568

Monkey Magic 歌词


Monkey Magic 歌词

歌曲名:Monkey Magic歌手:Aaa专辑:Ccc -Challenge Cover Collection-Born from an egg on a mountain topThe punkiest monkey that ever poppedHe knew every magic trick under the sunTo tease the Gods and everyone and have some funMonkey magic monkey magicMonkey magic monkey magicMonkey magic monkey magicMonkey magic monkey magicWhat a cocky saucy monkey this one isAll the Gods were angered And they punished himUntil he was saved by a kindly priestAnd that was the start Of their pilgrimage westMonkey magic monkey magicMonkey magic monkey magicMonkey magic monkey magicMonkey magic monkey magicWith a little bit of monkey magicThere'll be fireworks tonightWith a little bit of monkey magicEverything will be all rightBorn from an egg on a mountain topThe punkiest monkey that ever poppedHe knew every magic trick under the sunTo tease the Gods and everyone and have some funMonkey magic monkey magicMonkey magic monkey magicMonkey magic monkey magicMonkey magic monkey magicMonkey magic monkey magicMonkey magic monkey magicMonkey magic monkey magicMonkey magic monkey magicMonkey magic monkey magichttp://music.baidu.com/song/13780560

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