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up in the air是什么意思

2024-07-19 04:53:24 编辑:zane 浏览量:581

up in the air是什么意思


up in the air是什么意思

up in the air词典结果:up in the air[英][ʌp in ðə eə(r)][美][ʌp ɪn ði er]悬而未决; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.More than 200 years ago the montgolfier brothers huddled before a fire on a chilly night in the french town of annonay and wondered why smoke went up in the air. 200多年前,在法国昂诺内镇的一个寒冷的夜晚,蒙戈尔费埃兄弟卷缩在一堆篝火前面,他们对烟为什么会上升到空中感到纳闷。2.But I brought them high up in the air above his evil heart. 不过,我给他们带来的高在上述他的邪恶心气了。3.He is gonna go definitely 60 feet up in the air. 他绝对会飞到60英尺的空中。

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