

2024-07-01 22:32:45 编辑:zane 浏览量:554




片头曲歌词:The night is black天黑了And the stars are bright星闪烁And the sea is dark and deep大海静悄悄That someone I know is safe and snug and they are drifting off to sleep.宝宝乖,乖宝宝,快快睡觉Round and round,a little boat no bigger than your hand转啊转啊,一只小船漂浮在大海上out on the ocean, far away from land.渐渐的,越飘越远。Take the little sail down, light the little light.收起小船帆,点亮小灯光This is the way to the Garden in the night.带你去和花园宝宝一起玩晤西迪西(Upsy Daisy):Upsy Daisy here I come,唔西·迪西 我来了I'm the only Upsy one最特别的唔西西I'm the only Daisy too最特别的迪西西Ipsy Upsy Daisy doo依西 唔西 迪西嘟依古比古(Iggle Piggle)Yes—my name is Iggle Piggle我就是依古·比古Iggle Piggle Niggle-Wiggle-Diggle依古·比古不是尼古·迪古Yes—my name is Iggle Piggle我就是依古·比古Iggle Piggle Niggle-Wiggle-woo~~~依古·比古不是尼古呜玛卡巴卡(Makaa Pakaa)Makaa Pakaa Akka wakka Mikaa makaa moo玛卡·巴卡 阿卡 哇卡 米卡 玛卡 呣Makaa Pakaa Appa yakka Ikka akka ooo玛卡·巴卡 阿巴 雅卡 伊卡 阿卡 噢Hum dum Agga pang Ing ang ooo哈姆 达姆 阿卡嗙 咿 呀 呦Makaa Pakaa Akka wakka Mikaa makaa moo玛卡·巴卡 阿卡 哇卡 米卡 玛卡 呣汤姆布利柏(Tom Blibo)Ombliboo Tombliboo, Knock on the door欧姆布利柏,汤姆布利柏, 敲敲门Ombliboo Tombliboo,Sit on the floor欧姆布利柏,汤姆布利柏 , 坐下来Ombliboo Tombliboo,Here is my nose欧姆布利柏,汤姆布利柏 , 鼻子在这里Ombliboo Tombliboo,That's how it goes欧姆布利柏,汤姆布利柏, 总是这样做哈呼呼(haahoos)小点点(Pontipines)小豆豆(Wokkingers)叮叮车(Ninky Nonk)飞飞鱼(Pinky Ponk)

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