

2024-08-05 02:30:26 编辑:zane 浏览量:576




从39:53开始(D代表Damon,E代表Elena)D:She speaks.她终于开口了 Care to share anything else churning around in that beautiful head of yours?想要和我分享一下你那美丽的头颅 在想什么呢E:You should have noticed.你该发现的D:What?发现什么E:That I was Katherine.发现我当时是凯瑟琳 That Katherine was me.我被凯瑟琳附身了 You should have been the one that noticed.你早该发现才对D:You don't think I know that?你以为我不内疚吗E:If only you'd seen through her,Damon……如果你能看穿她,达蒙 There would be no vampire virus.那就不会有吸血鬼病毒这回事了 Aaron would still be alive--亚伦也不会死D:Katherine didn't do this.I did.z不是凯瑟琳的错,是我 I thought you broke my heart我以为你让我心碎 so I ripped open Aaron's neck.所以我撕裂了亚伦的脖子。 This is how much control you have over me.这就是你对我的影响力E:And I'm still here.而且我还在你的身旁That's how much control you have over me这就是你对我的影响力D:Listen to us.This is toxic.听听我们说的话,这很病态 We are in a toxic relationship,Elena.我们的关系很病态,埃琳娜 I just killed your friend我杀了你的朋友 and you find someone else to blame.而你却在责怪别人E:You want me to blame you?你难道要我责怪你吗 Easy.Done.简单。没问题 You screwed up,Damon.Again.你搞砸了,达蒙,又一次搞砸了D:Thank you.谢谢你E:You put me in a position where I have to defend you.Again. 你让我身处的这局面,让我又一次不得不为你辩护 Where I have to bend my morals.Again.让我又一次扭曲自己的道德信条 Where I have to go against every single thing that I believe in.Again.让我背弃所有的信条。又一次 Because I love you.因为我爱你D:Then stop loving me.那就别再爱我E:I can't!我控制不了D:Well,that's the problem.这就是症结 We don't work!我们不合适E:I know.我知道D:Then we agree.那我们达成协议了 This has to end.我们走到尽头了E:It just did.已经结束了 It's over.We are over.结束了,我们结束了一点点打上去的,希望你能满意

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