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Justin Bieber - All That Matters 歌词中文翻译

2024-07-29 12:58:06 编辑:zane 浏览量:518

Justin Bieber - All That Matters 歌词中文翻译


Justin Bieber - All That Matters 歌词中文翻译

歌曲原唱:Justin Bieber音乐风格:Pop歌曲语言:英语MV主演:Justin Bieber,Cailin RussoMV类型:正式版&长城版All That Metters-Justin Bieber歌词:Uh-oh, just as sure as the stars in the sky就像是天际亘古的群星I need you to shine in the light我需要你光芒的照耀Not just for the meanwhile, for a long long time, better believe it不是须臾,而是恒久,请你相信Uh-oh, whenever you’re not in my presence每次你不在我身旁It feels like I’m missing my blessings, yeah我就像失去了庇佑So I sleep through the daylight, stay awake all night因而我便虚度白日,彻夜不眠Till you back again, yeah, yeah只为等待你的归来You think I’m biased你说我对人有偏见Too much I never get other从来不关心他人You hit it right on the head你的话一针见血Only been missing my lover(没错,)我只是想念我的爱人Got a whole lot of texts in my phone and I don’t reply我未曾回复电话里上千条留言But the next day bothers you, I隔天我却主动打电话给你You’re all that matters to me因为你是我在乎的一切Yeah yeah, ain’t worry about nobody else别的人都无关紧要If it ain’t you, I ain’t myself如果不是你,我也不会找到我自己You make me complete你完整了我You’re all that matters to me你才是我在乎的一切Yeah, yeah, what’s a king bed without a queen没有了王后,即便是国王的床榻又有何意义There ain’t no “I” in team一个人又如何结伴You make me complete你完整了我You’re all that matters to me你才是我在乎的一切Take the keys out the car it won’t driveThat’s how I feel when you’re not by my side你不在我身边的时候我就像没有了钥匙的车,无法飞驰When I wake up in the morning up under you, and only you多想每个清晨醒来就看到你在我身边,只有你在我身边Uh-oh, I’m grateful for your existence你的存在让我虔诚的感谢Faithful no matter the distance不论相聚多远我会坚守信念You’re the only girl I see这世上那么多女孩,而我只看见你From the bottom of my heart please believe请相信,这一切源于我底心You’re all that matters to me你是我在乎的一切Yeah yeah, ain’t worry about nobody else别的人都无关紧要If it ain’t you, I ain’t myself如果不是你,我也不会找到我自己You make me complete你完整了我You’re all that matters to me你才是我在乎的一切Yeah, yeah, what’s a king bed without a queen没有了王后,即便是国王的床榻又有何意义There ain’t no “I” in team一个人又如何结伴You make me complete你完整了我You’re all that matters to me你才是我在乎的一切You’re all that matters to me你是我在乎的一切You’re all that matters to me我在乎的一切,只有你

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