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the call(纳尼亚)歌词翻译

2024-06-28 17:52:02 编辑:zane 浏览量:534

the call(纳尼亚)歌词翻译


the call(纳尼亚)歌词翻译

It started out as a feeling 我带着一种感觉出发Which then grew into a hope 后来它成长为一种希望Which then turned into a quiet thought 后来它又成长为一种安静的思想Which then turned into a quiet word 后来它又成长为一种安静的语言And then that word grew louder and louder 后来这种语言的声音越来越响亮'Til it was a battle cry 直到它成为一种战斗口号I'll come back 我将回来When you call me 当你召唤我的时候No need to say goodbye 不需要说再见Just because everything's changing 因为所有的东西都在改变Doesn't mean it's never been this way before 并不意味着以前从未这样过All you can do is try to know who your friends are 你唯一可以做的就是尽量明白谁是你的朋友As you head off to the war 当你阻止一场战争Pick a star on the dark horizon 在黑暗的地平线上采摘一颗星And follow the light 跟着光走You'll come back when it's over 当它结束的时候你会回来No need to say goodbye 不需要说再见You'll come back when it's over 当它结束的时候你会回来No need to say goodbye 不需要说再见Now we're back to the beginning 现在你回到了开始It's just a feeling and no one knows yet 这只是一种感觉,现在还没有人明白But just because they can't feel it too 但只是因为他们也感觉不到它Doesn't mean that you have to forget 并不意味着你需要忘记Let your memories grow stronger and stronger 让你的记忆成长得愈来愈强'Til they're before your eyes 直到它们到你眼前You'll cone back 你会回来When they call you 当它们召唤你No need to say goodbye 不需要说再见You'll come back 你会回来When they call you 当它们召唤你No need to say goodbye不需要说再见

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